Sunday, November 23, 2008

Revenge of the living cats

Last night, returning from a concert, we might or might have not run over a cat's paw (as per Schrodinger's Paradox) and what is the first thing I Stumble today?


Monday, November 17, 2008

Is your cat plotting to kill you?

Is your cat plotting to kill you?

Also check out the main page to keep yourself up to date on cat plots.

thanks to schattenjager, whose cat is also plotting to kill him, no doubt.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Head Injury Theater: Part two of Celebrating Stupid Monsters of D&D

The first edition had such classics
as the Owlbear and the Giant Space Hamster; Head Injury Theater is back with part 2 of the series, with monsters no less interesting -and stupid.

I will quote two examples and rest my case thereat.

Death Linen. The image says it all, really:

And possibly the most retardedly (I know it's not a word. It is now) unimaginative monster in the D&D history: the Zorbo. While most D&D monsters suffer from hormone-induced, highly fertile imaginative powers, this one was just thrown in at the last minute it seems:

high geekery levels reached, aborting in 3, 2, 1.

Chehuaha @ Obey the Purebreed

Moving along the same vein, from Obey the Purebreed website, I give you Chehuahua.

daha gecen gun gidilmis "korda'nin objektifinden che: bir portrenin devrimle baslayip ikonla biten oykusu" (santralistanbul) sergisi baglaminda dusununce ne kadar manidar, ne kadar ironik. ironik kelimesini dogru kullandigim icin kendimin asilmasina.

Chairman Meow

This is relevant to my interests.

(bu sonuncuyu anlamayan arkadaslar icin uzgunum ama cok degil.)

p.p.s: butun entraylerde kullandigim fontu toplam 6 secenek icinden secememis olmam sebebiyle bilgisayari kirmak istemek