Friday, October 30, 2009

Dating Manuscripts

Dating systems and dates of manuscripts. For those who may be struggling with those Byzantine manuscripts which only have the date from "creation" mentioned. Also, note that the Byzantine year starts on September 1st, not January 1st, so it can get tricky.

Yes, this is what I do on a Friday night.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Turkun NHS'le imtihani

Merak edenler icin bir GP (general practician) klinigi; benim kayitli bulundugum Summertown Health Centre. Sira beklerken blog post yapacak kadar sikildim, bir; ikincisi de gelecek nesillere aktarilmasi adina: amme hizmetinde sasmayan adresiniz (bu ben oluyorum, health centre degil) Swine flu'dan kirilan sevimli kasabamiz Oxford'da astim testleri ve gerekirse Babe asisi.

gereksiz islere ayirdigim zamani arastirmaya ayirsam doktoranin bitme suresi: 15 ay.

-- Posted from my iPhone